Friday, September 2, 2011

My relationship status: Single...not Hopeful

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Hi everyone, today’s post is actually a rant…I was gonna blog about something else but an incident happened this morning that really upset me and I just wanna I’ve archived the initial post for another day…maybe tomorrow or the day after. As I type this, my anger has subsided and I’m in a mellow state of mind but it’s a rant nonetheless.

What happened this morning: While commenting on a post in one of the social media, someone called me ‘hopeful’ in referring to my relationship status. He gave other options of single, married, widowed, single mom, etc…then specifically called me ‘hopeful’. My analytical side kicked in instantly, analyzed the statement then typed up a scathing response, which I eventually toned down on a second read. To my mind he feels I don't fall into the category of SINGLE obviously because I have a bad leg, so he created a new category for me called hopeful. I found it very rude, offensive and condescending...I don't care if he was joking (as they usually claim when they act  thoughtlessly) that was a totally tactless and tasteless 'joke'.

I have been mulling over this...did I over react?? hell no! I am certain I did not, as a matter of fact I think I under-reacted. All my life I grew up feeling like I’m not good enough just because I had a weak leg and walk with a limp, I’ve been taunted and abused physically, sexually, emotionally and mentally from childhood because I had a bad I entered into the dating scene, I was always plagued with fears of not knowing if a guy loved me truly or wanted me just for my butt or my brains, or even to get money from me (not that am rich o) I’ve been through a lifetime of not knowing if I was loved as much as I was loving and giving. I’ve had guys make me feel like they’re doing me a favor being with me and girls actually telling me to my face (during a normal cat-fight) that they can leave their man with me and sleep easy because I’m not a threat since their man wouldn’t touch a ‘cripple’ even in their dreams…Oh! how tempted I was to prove them wrong but thank God mom raised me not to be vindictive. Many times I cried at night because I couldn’t understand how a guy would say to me, ‘I love you’ then turn around and go dating my friend right before my eyes. I have been in situations where I felt like I had to give sex and/or money that I didn’t have, just to make a guy stay with me and love me, needless to say I know better now. I don't need anybody to tell me who/what I am..I know that already...and I don't allow anyone or situation define me either...but those were hard times for me before I built self esteem and confidence and memories like those don't go away so easily...

All these could very easily have happened to any girl but the experience was made worse for me because of my ‘disability’. I had a tendency of attributing my love mishaps to it and it nearly turned me into a cynic, never believing in true love, it also made me stay away from guys who even had noble intentions…this has obviously played a huge role in my being single because I just haven’t met someone whose motives I’m 100% sure of and because I am looking for unconditional love.

Like every NORMAL human being, I get lonely a lot but I am not desperate enough to enter into a relationship where I am the only one struggling to make it work because some guy thinks he’s doing me a favor by dating or offering me marriage. So maybe in a sense I am hopeful, but that is merely a state of mind, i'm hopeful I'll find a good, loving, faithful man, hopeful he'll love me the way I wanna be loved, hopeful God will bless us with long life and a great marriage, hopeful for many things...but my relationship status is SINGLE, not hopeful.

I see this a lot, people saying insensitive stuff to their fellow humans without a thought for their feelings. People have committed suicide because of harsh words or taunts from people around them. I believe this guy owes me an apology, but true to form, he didn't and probably never will...

I started this blog to educate people about disability. I will use any means necessary to send this message including sharing my innermost thoughts, feelings, desires, etc. Like Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks (yea, I’m hoping to attain icon status soon so don’t hate, lol) I may not live long enough to see the CHANGE in societal attitudes that I deeply desire but if this blog will make someone somewhere realize how powerful spoken/unspoken words are, how sensitive some circumstances are and how badly treated people with disabilities are, if I can make someone somewhere think twice before saying/doing hurtful stuff to anyone.. disabled or not..then I will keep writing and keep blogging and I urge you to keep reading…

As Dr Phil would say...Sometimes you just got to give yourself what you wish someone else would give you....

I leave you with this amazing song from an amazing icon of disability, Mr Pendergrass…I call him Teddy...I particularly chose the video where he’s in his wheelchair…enjoy..


Mamuje said...

Arrrrrrrghhhhh. I just typed a lengthy post and it vanished. I love your spirit. I wish I could meet the asswipe and give him a royal slap on behalf of all Single women. What a dolt!

Elcy said...

I loved this. I'm sure you must have learnt by now not to take every inconsequential remaRk from an inconsequential person, serious. Why? simply because the whole package of person is just INCONSEQUENTIAL. You are still an exceptional young lady, disability or not. Somewhere out there, there is that special someone endowed with all and more than you could ever desire from a man, just waiting to meet a woman like you. STAY ON TOP AND IN CHARGE. Kisses.

Uc_Che said...

Don't let ignorant remarks like that from a fucktard like that bother you. You have a good head on your shoulder and you are on the right track. You are not "hopeful" neither are you desperate. You are a young beautiful woman with a big heart. Any man would and should be lucky to have someone like you in their corner and as a partner for life

Dachiever Jude said...

What can I say?..... But I can feel you all the way. I can perceive the strength and vigour in you daily to see many a liberated human mind. And please keep saying it, keep dreaming it and as well as lending out your voice to enlighten the ignorant and the most willing to learn and have a diverse thought for

Toinlicious said...

Wnder where d idiota is right now. wana give him feed him a healthy dose of my mind.

Lizzy O. said...

Some people are just annoying! Make me mad, and have no regard for their fellow humans.

I am sorry you had to deal with this, and I pray that God continues to strengthen you, because the truth is, crappy people like will always come our way.

Once you stay strong, you can overcome their mess. It is well. take care and keep spreading your message.

Lizzy O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
@adebsrk said...

Hopeful? If having a disability makes one hopeful then we are all hopeful. I tell you that as a secret your physical ability has blinded you from seeing. Everyone have the fears you stated...since "love" doesn't come with a manual, everyone rationalise on why their partner likes them or not.
The only thing you need to get pass that is CONFIDENCE and though it is abstract, people see it.