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Stella C. Iwuagwu beams happily after successfully defending her doctoral dissertation.. |
Of all the stories I’ve written about or seen firsthand, Stella’s captures my thoughts and boggles my mind the most. This is perhaps because I know her personally. I knew her BEFORE the accident and I know her AFTER the accident. I think hers is a ‘life interrupted’. For many people who do not realize just the kind of person who Stella is…let me share this with you my dear readers, just to give you a little insight…As I said in my initial post, Stella founded the Center for the Right to Health (CRH), had been studying abroad and returned home to do her dissertation on Nigerian women living with HIV. What I’m about to share happened at the National Assembly 5 or 6 days before her accident…
Stella was invited to a seating of the House Committee on Health. After all the big people with big titles had made their speeches, they were about to close when she raised her hand to speak. The MC ignored her, she then raised both hands, he still ignored her so she stood up with both hands raised. He then asked the chairman what to do; the Chairman (late Hon. Aminu Shuaibu Safana) said, "let her speak we are in a democracy’. When they gave her the microphone, Stella wailed long and loud into the microphone to everyone's shock. Everyone must have been thinking she had gone mad. ‘Not yet’, she said, ‘This is the wail of the people dying in our hospitals. This is the wail of families who have lost their loved ones in our hospitals. I bring you the cries of people dying in their homes because they cannot even make it to the hospital. If any of you were to be in an accident, would you use our health systems as they are? No! You will be flown abroad for the best care at tax payers’ expense. I pray that the cries of the dying people of Nigeria will haunt you until you act for equity and justice. I challenge you in your four-year tenure to make our health care system one that you and yours can use".
By the time she finished talking, she was weeping emotionally. After her speech people gave her a standing ovation, while some people were crying with her, some came and hugged her including the Chairman of the Committee. He then committed to work with CRH to improve health care in Nigeria.
6 days later Stella was in an accident and the rest as they say is history. We later learned from someone that the same Chairman, Hon. Aminu Shuaibu Safana, collapsed at the National Assembly weeks later and was rushed to the National Hospital where he died…what an irony.
Yes…that is the remarkable person Stella Iwuagwu was and still is…a passionate social crusader, striving to bring change, challenging the status quo, and crying out for the masses.
Her current situation evokes different emotions in me and throws up many questions and issues for me. I am grateful to God that she survived the accident and is still with us, I am happy she that she is getting the best in terms of standard of living as a disabled woman in the USA. I feel so proud of her for all she has achieved despite her sudden disability, I am sad because I feel Stella’s pain, she now works twice as hard to make money, she currently goes through 40 hours of physical therapy every week, a lot of times she’s on painkillers which mess up her thought processes and she’s in such a demanding job, I’m sad because she wants to come back to Nigeria and continue her work as a social crusader changing people’s lives, but she cannot because Nigeria cannot offer her the basic standard of living she has become used to in the USA. But most of all I am angry because of the way she was handled at national hospital, I am angry because nothing has been done to compensate Stella for aggravation of her injuries, I am angry because cases like Stella’s abound all across Nigeria and nothing is done. Life is cheap in Nigeria, yes, LIFE IS SO CHEAP IN THIS COUNTRY.
Many times I have asked myself, what if Stella didn’t have friends in high places? What if Stella and her friends couldn’t afford the cost of flying out in a private plane or the cost of spinal surgery? Why were her arms yanked by hefty men from both sides during the x-ray and MRI? Why was it so difficult getting her into the ICU? Why didn’t the doctor on duty order a full spinal MRI same time as the head MRI? Even after they diagnosed the spinal cord injury, all they did was put Stella in a body cast, a process that required tremendous movement on her part, furthering the damage. Why don’t we have a neurosurgeon in National hospital? Why was there no letterhead to write up her report? Why did it take six days to evacuate Stella? Why did no personnel from National Hospital accompany her to Ghana? So many questions…not a single answer.
Stella’s story isn’t just about disability now, her story should evoke a sense of outrage in every Nigerian at home and in diaspora. If you have access to the best of life in diaspora, what about your friends and family in Nigeria? It’s a shame that, 51 yrs after independence we still struggle to have quality healthcare services in Nigeria. The only way a woman won’t die in childbirth is if her husband is rich enough to fly her outside the country to go give birth or just rely on luck. Same thing with even the most basic of health conditions, in Nigeria people die of snakebites, malaria, typhoid, asthma, pregnancy complications, etc. yet we Nigerians remain complacent while our ‘leaders’ send their children to the best schools in UK, US, Europe, etc, access the best medical care abroad, live in the best houses abroad while we’re content to lie low and be the underdogs eating crumbs for the table that’s rightfully ours.
The Nigerian constitution guarantees every citizen the right to life, right to healthcare, right to education, etc. when facilities that should cater to these rights don’t exist, haven’t our rights been violated? How can Stella access justice? Or do we chant the usual Nigerian mantra and say…leave everything to God?
Below is an excerpt from an email Stella sent to me when I told her that I’d published her story on my blog, it released the floodgates from my eyes…
You made me cry. I cried from so many emotions…thanksgiving, pain, pride, grace…then when the song said ‘I made it through the rain’ I thought in my mind, yes, I made it through the STORM, but the RAIN continues. The rain continues as much as I continue to suffer chronic pains and disability. I am still in the rain as long as I continue to live in the US because I cannot really get quality health care or be able to go to my office in Nigeria because it is in the fourth floor and there is no elevator. I am still in the rain when many buildings in Nigeria are not accessible. I am still in the rain, because I realize how lucky I am in the US while there are millions of Nigerians with disabilities with little or no care or quality of life. When it rains on one it rains on all of us...Thank you so much Irene for telling my story, but do not praise me too much, I am just human with my failings. All I ask if for God to show me his purpose for my new life, that all these pain and suffering should not be in vain…
I’m not quite sure how to end this, so I’ll just say God help us all…
Her current situation evokes different emotions in me and throws up many questions and issues for me. I am grateful to God that she survived the accident and is still with us, I am happy she that she is getting the best in terms of standard of living as a disabled woman in the USA. I feel so proud of her for all she has achieved despite her sudden disability, I am sad because I feel Stella’s pain, she now works twice as hard to make money, she currently goes through 40 hours of physical therapy every week, a lot of times she’s on painkillers which mess up her thought processes and she’s in such a demanding job, I’m sad because she wants to come back to Nigeria and continue her work as a social crusader changing people’s lives, but she cannot because Nigeria cannot offer her the basic standard of living she has become used to in the USA. But most of all I am angry because of the way she was handled at national hospital, I am angry because nothing has been done to compensate Stella for aggravation of her injuries, I am angry because cases like Stella’s abound all across Nigeria and nothing is done. Life is cheap in Nigeria, yes, LIFE IS SO CHEAP IN THIS COUNTRY.
Many times I have asked myself, what if Stella didn’t have friends in high places? What if Stella and her friends couldn’t afford the cost of flying out in a private plane or the cost of spinal surgery? Why were her arms yanked by hefty men from both sides during the x-ray and MRI? Why was it so difficult getting her into the ICU? Why didn’t the doctor on duty order a full spinal MRI same time as the head MRI? Even after they diagnosed the spinal cord injury, all they did was put Stella in a body cast, a process that required tremendous movement on her part, furthering the damage. Why don’t we have a neurosurgeon in National hospital? Why was there no letterhead to write up her report? Why did it take six days to evacuate Stella? Why did no personnel from National Hospital accompany her to Ghana? So many questions…not a single answer.
Stella’s story isn’t just about disability now, her story should evoke a sense of outrage in every Nigerian at home and in diaspora. If you have access to the best of life in diaspora, what about your friends and family in Nigeria? It’s a shame that, 51 yrs after independence we still struggle to have quality healthcare services in Nigeria. The only way a woman won’t die in childbirth is if her husband is rich enough to fly her outside the country to go give birth or just rely on luck. Same thing with even the most basic of health conditions, in Nigeria people die of snakebites, malaria, typhoid, asthma, pregnancy complications, etc. yet we Nigerians remain complacent while our ‘leaders’ send their children to the best schools in UK, US, Europe, etc, access the best medical care abroad, live in the best houses abroad while we’re content to lie low and be the underdogs eating crumbs for the table that’s rightfully ours.
The Nigerian constitution guarantees every citizen the right to life, right to healthcare, right to education, etc. when facilities that should cater to these rights don’t exist, haven’t our rights been violated? How can Stella access justice? Or do we chant the usual Nigerian mantra and say…leave everything to God?
Below is an excerpt from an email Stella sent to me when I told her that I’d published her story on my blog, it released the floodgates from my eyes…
You made me cry. I cried from so many emotions…thanksgiving, pain, pride, grace…then when the song said ‘I made it through the rain’ I thought in my mind, yes, I made it through the STORM, but the RAIN continues. The rain continues as much as I continue to suffer chronic pains and disability. I am still in the rain as long as I continue to live in the US because I cannot really get quality health care or be able to go to my office in Nigeria because it is in the fourth floor and there is no elevator. I am still in the rain when many buildings in Nigeria are not accessible. I am still in the rain, because I realize how lucky I am in the US while there are millions of Nigerians with disabilities with little or no care or quality of life. When it rains on one it rains on all of us...Thank you so much Irene for telling my story, but do not praise me too much, I am just human with my failings. All I ask if for God to show me his purpose for my new life, that all these pain and suffering should not be in vain…
I’m not quite sure how to end this, so I’ll just say God help us all…
really touching story.
may God help us
God, I really hope Naija gets to the point of making everywhere accessible for everyone...
BTW Stella, whats that pink thing on the table?? Looks kinda naughty :)
1) Good one Duchess, God bless you. You always write in a way that tears at my heart...needless to say, i love the way you write.
2)Go gurl. This was a short post considering the length of ur usual posts so i guess u r mastering the art of brevity #hugs
3)I am happy Stella is a least getting the best as regards quality of life as a differently-abled person
4)I hope this doesn't end on this blog cos in 9ja, we tend to move on quickly if thing's don't affect us personally. Everyone should understand that every little bit helps.
5)I think you should publish that earlier story in a national newspaper
6)I hate to say this but i guess "it is well"
7)@Gabrielle L'Chic...lmao. you are a very naughty person but i get ur point. really looks like "it" tho
Only God can help us! Errrr... Stella, the pink thingie on the table really looks like that thing Gabrielle is thinking about...
This is so touching. Duchess you are one in a million. You make me laugh and you make me cry with your stories. I just thank God for your life. You make me look at the rear-view mirror of my life and it gives me so many reasons to thank God for his benefits. Stella's suffering will not be in vain in Jesus name. Your good work to humanity Duchess; you will never be forgotten because this is your unique calling. Yes your type is VERY rare.
hahahaha...ladies you all got me cracked up with your interest in the 'pink thing' on the table. I'm sure Stella will be able to tell us exactly what it is...I'll ask her tonitte, lol
Thanks for all your kind words...I still believe in and we're working towards JUSTICE FOR STELLA..so Toinlicious, I assure you this wont just end with 'it is well', even if we lose, we will fight..
We have so many whys, it is sickening.
We currently have people working in fields where they do not belong. Health care industry is one of them. I'm hopeing that changes for the better, soon.
Stella is an inspiration
Thank you every one for your kind words. I am so blessed and privileged. I ask God everyday to reveal his purpose in my life. Why did he spare me when many had died. Why did he practically mashall the hosts of heaven to get me out of our country for the life savig surgery. I am indeed very thankful.
Most of my adult life I had fought for human rights and dignity especailly within the health system. It is amazig that the system I was working so hard to fix almost swallowed me. Sometimes I ask God did I not work hard enough? Other days I say to God, thank you for giving me the reward of my work here on earth instead of in heaven. For who am I that people went out of their way to save my life.
The battle is for all of us. Today it is Stella, who is next tomorrow?
On the "pink thing" on the table, sorry to disappoint you smart alecs with overactive imagination. It is a folder napkin. That was the day I successfully defended my PhD dissertation. My friends showered me with flowers and took me to a Chinese resturant to celebrate. I dare say the celebration continued at home with the "real stuff". Thank you sisters for your humor.
Thanks for sharing this. This problem is a shared one and no-one in this country should act like they are not directly affected. We all fall ill and no-one can be 100%accident free.
I constantly say that there should be a law stating that no member of government is allowed to travel abroad for medical treatment. That will be the incentive they need to sanitize the health sector and make good quality healthcare accessible to Nigerians.
I live in fear of ever needing medical attention (beyond common illnesses like Malaria) in Nigeria.
All the best Stella! May the strength you need be abundantly present in your life.
Wow! Just wow! Duchess you are a wonderful writer but then again you have an amazing story to tell.
Stella Iwuagwu, you've knocked my sails. You story is an inspiration. God has given you a story to work with...may He show you how to use it.
When I read stories such as this, I am so angry at the people in leadership positions in Nigeria. Our health systems like most things including electricity and education is in shambles. This is the same reason we have lost so many, either to death or other countries. God bless Stella, and God bless Nigeria.
Great to see you sharing real stories about real people leading physically-challenging lives. You are spreading some much needed encouragement for others who may be enduring similar same situations.
Keep up the good (Gods')work.
This is sad but I am glad she is alive and still fighting the good fight. We must expose the fake leaders to make way for genuine leadership in Nigeria. There needs to be a national disability law as well, America was helped a great deal by ADA.
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