Hello people…hope everyone is doing great and enjoying the weekend. Well, after the emotional upheaval of the other day (akshuali it was yesterday), I’ve decided to ‘ease tension’ by blogging about less serious sturvs, I hate being too intense, not my style at all, so today’s blog session has nothing to do with disability.
Since my foray into BLOGSVILLE…I’ve been learning loads of new stuff about blogging and one interesting thing I’ve found is there’s something known as THE STYLISH & VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARDS. This award is given by seasoned bloggers to fellow bloggers whom they like or admire for their blogging style. According to the rules of the award, once its given to you, you’re supposed to say 7 things about yourself then give the award to 15 other bloggers. I’ve read a lot of acceptance speeches that cracked me up so bad…lol. Anyways being a newbie n all I’m obviously not eligible to receive or even give the award, but I liked the aspect of saying 7 things so that’s what am gonna do today. I also aren’t awarding 15 bloggers.
So, here are 7 things sturvs about myself, some of which are obvious and some of which no one knows…so y’all ougta be glad that I’m sharing some deep dark secrets with y’all.
Sturv 1: I absolutely love music. I’d probably be the unhappiest woman around if I didn’t have music. Everytime, all the time, when I’m sad, depressed, I just play music and it uplifts my soul almost instantly.
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one good thing about music..when it hits you feel no pain...so hit me with music.. |
Sturv 2: I once toyed with the idea of suicide. In childhood and adulthood I faced a lot of challenges (gist for another day) which I had to overcome sometimes alone but most times with the support of my mom. So when she died I underwent a downward spiral emotionally and one night, I woke up crying and feeling lost, got a rope, tied it to the ceiling fan, got up on a stool, slipped the noose round my neck and….JUMPED! hahahahaha…just kidding…I no get that kind liver. What I actually did was to take 4 tablets of valium 5 instead of the usual 1 or 2, fortunately it didn’t kill me (I think I knew it wouldn’t) I just slept a lot. When I woke I was really worried at my suicidal thoughts and turned to my Bible…in the weeks after mom’s passing I was really unstable emotionally and psychologically but the Bible restored my sanity and stability.
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every hangman's noose in my life be consumed by fayaaaaaaaaaaa!! |
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The Bible helped me heal.. |
Sturv 3: I absolutely love gisting, some call it gossiping but na dem sabi, lol. It doesn’t help that I recently reconnected with 2 friends of mine who love gisting even more than me. The other day we started gisting on the phone from 11p.m till 4a.m. just catching up on old times and you know… discussing many sturvs! To further buttress the fact that its gisting I love and not gossiping, I’m gonna tell a story, in this story I will attempt to illustrate the difference between gist and gossip.
Jamila’s husband buys her a brand new red colored SUV, she drives to the shopping mall in it, then stops over at Irene’s to say hello, stays and chats a bit then drives to pick her kids from school, and finally goes home. The End.
Illustration a: As soon as Jamila leaves, Irene calls Yinka and says hmmmm…Yinka guess who just left here now, na Jamila o! come and see the new car her hubby bought for her, its sooo beautiful, am happy for her, and its red, you know she always loved red, how thoughtful of her husband, kai! bla bla, bla…in fact she’s gonna come pick me and you tomorrow lets all hang out a bit. On the other end of the phone, Yinka makes some ooohing and aaahing generally pleasurable sounds, they agree on what to wear, time, and the call ends. That is GISTING!
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Yinka on the left, Irene on the right... |
Illustration b: As soon as Jamila leaves, Irene calls Yinka and says hmmmm…Yinka wonders shall never end! guess who just left here now, na Jamila o! she came in one red SUV claiming that its her husband that bought it meanwhile I saw that same car with Alhaji Umar 2 weeks ago, you don see dat tin wey I dey tell you? She’s dating him jare!! can u imagine? She’s just driving round the whole town doing shakara! She went to XYZ shopping mall, so that Mrs. A will see the car then she went to pick her kids from school at the exact time that Madam V picks her own kids! Mschewwwww…nonsense, rubbish! Does she think she’s better than us? Afterall your husband bought you a Mercedes 3 years ago! And she had the guts to say she’s coming to pick us to hang out tomorrow, if she near my house I go set fire to that car…on the other end of the phone, Yinka uses some equally explosive expletives, they both hiss and roll their eyes and the call ends….and that my friends is GOSSIPING!
Need I tell y’all that what me and my friends engage in is Illustration b, sorry illustration a! hehehe
Sturv 4: I exude a lot of inner strength but the fact is that I’m not always strong…I have many moments when my strength fails me, moments of unsurety (is that correct?), loneliness, etc. but I act strong cos everyone calls me a STRONG WOMAN and I don’t wanna disappoint them
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A strong woman |
Sturv 5: My love for horror movies is legendary…my idea of a great weekend is, late at nite say 11ish midniteish, a good horror movie (lots of blood and gory slaughtering), all lights switched off, popcorn and a strong guy with broad shoulders. I love horror movies but I’ve never been able to look when the dumb blonde is getting butchered with a chainsaw or the automatic garage door is chopping off someone’s head, or the part I love most…when the dead guy comes back to life…the 3rd time! Bwhahahahahaha (my evil laugh)
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dont ever be home alone on christmas nite.. |
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look behind you!! |
Sturv 6: I may not seem like it but I have no patience for mediocrity, sloppiness and worst of all, bad grammar especially from ‘educated’ people and public figures. It really irks me when I hear people excuse horrible grammar in the name of ‘English is not our mother abi father tongue’ eeeiiissshhh! What’s that??? English is recognized as our national language! If you cant speak it, stick to pidgin English or your local dialect.
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I should Abortion? showing on our airwaves (SMH) |
Sturv 7: This Duchess is an unrepentant incurable romantic *shy smile*…I just lluuurrvvss romance and romantic stuff. e.g. in Nigeria giving your girl flowers is considered corny, silly and ‘un-Nigerian’ but I love love love it! but no be flower I go chop sha...
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awwwww...*sigh* |
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beauty and brains...darriz me! dont hate! hehehe |
Can’t resist the temptation to add a very very very imporrant Sturv 9: I love FOOD…cooking it, baking it, grilling it, frying it, steaming it, roasting it, worrevaing it and EATING it!
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glorious food |
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chocolatey heaven |
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my workshop |
there...so that’s 9 things sturvs you now know about me….lol...back to serious stuff in my next post..
I am reading this and it feels I am reading about myself. You this babe, we get to meet ASAP. I totally get you. Horror movies, romantic and a lack of patience for mediocrity. My sister thanks for sharing.
My sister, no be small sontin o, I feel the same way when I read your blog or your FB page...I will meet you soon Insha Allah and even tuck my diet plan away for a few weeks so I can splurge on all those goodies I see on your FB page! kai! I'm off to Lafia this week, see you next week, abeg prepare one of those mouth watering dishes *wait make I go copy the name from ur FB page* lol
Exactly my style using humour to highlighgt pertinent points about myself. Some of our behavioural traits reminds me of me, maybe thats why we find ourselves arguing in the side in the same topics all the time.
Welcome to bloggers, you will love it here but biko pray and fast that phcn will allow me read and commens on all you posts (my way of saying if you dont hear for me for a while nepa don do am again and i no sabi use bb for bloggers)
Inspite of all that its a great first blog, WELL DONE
You are doing pretty well for a new blogger. A great tip for blogging is be consistent and comment on other posts that way you gather followers. I know one thing for sure, your blog is more interesting than mine. I am waiting for the next post oh....don't keep me waiting. Ehen
Just discovered your blog, and I'm loving this post! I love the humor that shines through, and the way you describe horror movie, that got me cracking, lol...
Mamuje directed me here. Welcome Duchess!
I'm loling at your illustration of gisting and gossiping. serious lolss.
Don't worry, blogsville will love you. who doesn't like gist?
Hope you have a good time here on blogsville personally and in the light of your cause.
Mamuje, Mena, Myne and MGinger (completing the M effect), thanks a billion for visiting and your kind words/tips...I already feel at home in blogsville and I gotta tell you, when I read your blogs I actually feel like am right on Wisteria Lane...lollsss.. I've even named some of you after Gabrielle Solis, Susan Meyers, Lynette Scavo, Bree worreva, even Edie Britt..ok don't mind me..just displaying my knowledge of desperate housewives trivia, lolzzz
thanks ladies...I appreciate you all..
Mamuje talked about your blog and wow! i am loving it! You are fresh and have a lot to say.
Glad to know thin.. sturves about you girl and keep it up.
My Imperial Duchess Irina Hmmmmm.....
You are honestly, - simply amazing..... I thought I knew you well, but each moment of phone-call, chat and gist, each post of yours, each ingenious commendable acts, each quest for change, each clarion call of yours to humanity for the preservation of Life and for the reaching-out to the needy(and those marginalized in the society); and each..trendy positive dispositions had left me lost in the haze of expressionistic dearth. Words appeared to be failing me somehow with even your latest passion with blogs.
Perhaps, Nature would have been a second name of yours for you act well the similitude of Nature's best disposition to mankind.
And I just figured it out too,that the sky is just the beginning of your soaring to stardom and highest citadel horizon of self-actualisation and fulfillment.
Stay blessed, the beautiful (in so many ways) and talented one. Cheers.
Hmmm. And I thought I knew you so well! Lol. However, I've always known you not only for your brilliant beauty, but your special gift of expresion, both in words and in writing. I'm glad you are finally ready to discover yourself and maximise your unbelievable potential. Be rest assured that I've got your back. Lol. Nice stuff. Very nice.
Whao! am filled with the wonder of words as i read. With the lots we say and share in our own words and time, I stay awed at the latitude of expression life has given you despite the not so savoury paths you had plowed. Keep the spirit lifted and enlarge your capacity because greater grace is on its way. i stand to blow the vuvuzela...........
oh gawd...another foodspirational person to torment us?!!!!! We just cant get enough of good food...Welcome Duchess...
OMG!! i lurvs lurvs lurvs you already! welcome to blogville
p.s: u have to adopt me sha o. one can neva have to many mos doing delicious cooking lol
LOL...not to worry my darlyn...you're already my favorite foodxperiment 'victim'
thanks for stopping by sweetie
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