Its 2.20a.m Nigerian time and I’m nodding my head to the awesome tunes of Luther Vandross, Cyndi Lauper, Patti Labelle, and Frank Sinatra…yea you heard right…am an old school freak going way back into the Sinatrasque era, I’m sipping my 3rd cup of ORGANOGOLD gourmet latte while updating my blog. Just got some amazing blogging tips from a great friend who’s a seasoned blogger herself…so I've been up all night 'pimping' my blog...check out the new features...take the latest poll, listen to my kinda music, just generally enjoy what i enjoy on a daily basis...if you love old school music like me, then do a search for this song on YouTube and just sit, tap your foot, and nod your head...Me and Mrs. Jones...(we got a thing goin' on) Billy Paul...damn! its pretty old but its crazy mehn! every time I listen to it I get goosebumps!
Anyways I’m yawning already so this is gonna be a really quick one (yea right! I always say that then end up writing an epistle, hehehe!) I talk too much I know, na only God fit save back to the issue at hand, the thing is I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned what my disability is so far on this blog. Damn! Talk about old age…I totally forgot! Well thanks to 2 of my commentators abi na commenters (Elcy and Olori) who reminded me abourrit I’m pleased to announce that yours truly is a POLIO SURVIVOR. I suffered polio at age 3 and struggled with it through a couple of successful and unsuccessful surgeries and here I am today, still standing strong in spirit, though not so strong physically (a feather could lift me off my feet) but don’t be deceived, am physically strong in some other sturvs o *wink* (ok, hope y'all recognize that 'sturvs' is a joke...when I say it I'm akshuali mimicking our youthful youth of today who murder grammar both with spellings and pronunciations)
By way of educating y’all (which is the main purpose of this blog) here’s a simple definition of polio. Poliomyelitis is a communicable infectious disease caused by the polio virus of the genus Enterovirus. It causes inflammation of motor neurons of the spinal cord and brainstem, leading to paralysis, muscular atrophy, and often disability and deformity. It is also called polio. Childhood vaccinations are given to prevent infection.
Note to the ignorant: For those who use the words ‘disabled’ and ‘deformed’ interchangeably, listen up!... they are NOT the same! So the next MUMU that refers to me as a deformed woman will have my palm imprinted permanently on their ignorant faces! That's not to say that persons with deformities deserve to be addressed in a rude manner either...its just absolutely important that people educate themselves on appropriate ways of addressing people to ensure stigma reduction.
My 'disability': To be honest, I was reliably informed that I was vaccinated against polio so even I am baffled as to how I gorrit, well e don happen, e don happen wetin pesin go do? My parents were educated, my mom was a nurse, all my brothers and sisters were vaccinated so how come the brightest, beautifulest, charmingest and of course sexiest one is the one that got polio?? I sense some winshry but no wahala sha. God dey!
Anyway, so polio affected my left membrum inferios leading to weakness in the femur, tibia, patella and fibula…the gluteal region also is affected. Oh dear, pardon me pls.. I forgot not everyone is as prolific as I am at using big words…lol! In simple English, the polio affected my left leg and resulted in little or no muscular control. I hope I have succeeded in confusing y’all.
Additional information: Obviously every disability has its attendant complications, in my own case, little or no muscular control meant less movement which led to sedentary lifestyle and which led to weight gain bordering on morbid obesity (I imagine people taking another look at my profile photo, hehehe...forget the seemingly slim facial shots, it spreads out as you go lower, lol) culminating in impaired mobility. Due to this mobility impairment, I have used mobility aids ranging from wheelchair to a cane most of my childhood and adult life
Nevertheless in spite of everything, i have a sound mind and excellent spirit which even some 'able-bodied' persons can only dream about. So in essence...when I am asked 'what is your disability?' my polio-related response tells you why I walk with a limp, but the truth of the matter is that I am not disabled...I am 'diffferently-abled' lets face it...some of the stuff I can do, y'all can't do it...hehehe...
There..that was short and simple abi?? Now I’m off to bed abeg…when I no be bat abi vampire!
There..that was short and simple abi?? Now I’m off to bed abeg…when I no be bat abi vampire!
On a very serious note, thanks to all of you for reading me, giving me feedback and even telling pple about this blog…I have some serious gist for y’all in my next update (I don’t even know when that will be) but stay tuned sha..
Duchess, Oh Duchess!!.. From whence art thou called Dutchess?.. from them that know the heart of a truly beurrifu woman.. inside and out!!!.. thats what you are dear!!!.. Now , lets blow the ignorant away.. for, from my personal experience, I understand perfectly where you are coming from. My first daughter was born at 27 weeks, with a shortage on her left leg and one toe less on the foot. We live with that everyday. And you know how cruel children can be to each other. but having said that, God has a way of making up, by blessing her with the sharpest wit..ermmm like her mama..NOT!, and exemplary academic brilliance!.. to top it all, she is an epitome of beauty, at 18. She has the sweetest voice on earth and is a properly adjusted young lady. What do you two have in common?.. everything!!!!. So lets always look beyond the so called 'disability'. what disability by the way??? what are you unable to do?.. nothing , I dont think. And NOTHING , Im sure.. he!he!!!..
Keep up the spirit girl. You are more than a winner, anyday. And dont let anyone tell you otherwise. gorrit???? yelzzzz.. na me tokam. From today onwards.. lokk up babes!.. and never Look DOWN!.. The Lord in his infinite Mercy and Wisdom created you for a purpose. Fulfill that purpose, live in his will, and See what He has in store for you. Your expectations will never be cut short In Jesus Name. AMEN
awwwwww...thats my bestie! thanks so much for this beautiful comment...I know your daughter got her strong character from you and my friendship with you has also strengthened me in unimaginable ways...and yes you are right...what is my disability??? actually the answer is...NOTHING!! because there is actually nothing I cannot do...thanks again Bestie and thanks for your constant strength for all of us...kiss kiss
Thank you for the enlightenment. Some of us who thought we were aware, are beginning to see the extent of our own ignorance. Thank you, my differently-abled and very strong friend.
Lovey, I absolutely loved reading your story. It was so witty, fresh, touching and so enlightening. Bless your sweet soul. I like your blog a lot, I like your writing style and the way you so competently combine contemporary and Naija English to create a vivid picture of what you mean, in the mind of your readers. Keep up the good work gurl!!. Da Lord is ya strenght. Muah!
I love, love, love, love your blog baby. I absolutely love it. You speak grammar plenty sha.
Hmmmm.... What can I say?.... This particular post has as its context a compendium of hilarious gists, insightful awareness and sound information, and yet, never lost its message. Moreso, carrying along with it, is its unique in-depth message cascading over the touching revelation of a strong spirit in you.And I have yet learned something here amongst others that truly you are a strong lady through whom many an inspiration can be drawn.
Like Laurette said deformity/Disability and all those stigmatizing stuff is a thing of the mind and resides only in mind that feels compelled to conceive such. I cannot be happier that inspite of all odds, you are 100times better of what many perceived as "Ability" for you are simply amazing. May the Lord God channel your destiny to that state where many would look forward to make good use of the opportunity given to them whilst the gift of Life lasts. Stay blessed and remain a jolly good fellow you are.
Love the article...I have been well mind those wichy people...they no fit suceed...
B.b So good to see this part of you, I need you to start seeing strength enter that leg for real. I am no pastor and you know me well but my dear I have some personal wonderful testimonies and I recommend that.
Good piece blogger!
tans, tans tans a just so overwhelmed, don't have words...
No one is born perfect. In our imperfections, we are made perfect. Moses was a stutterer (just like me. I'm going to stutter to my grave. lol) and God still used him to rescue the Israelites from Pharaoh's Egypy. Whatever you think you might have lost (trust me, you have lost nothing), God has replenished you in other areas. You are not only a survivor, you are now becoming an inspiration to others. Keep it up, my dear. Ignorance is no longer bliss. Ignorance is a major disease. Spread your knowledge. Save the world.
Duchess o lwkmd@"...will have my palm imprinted permanently on their ignorant faces!"
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